COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I'll say this. My view has changed significantly from early March. I was 100% behind the lockdown and I even thought we weren't doing enough (i.e. needed to be stricter for the greater good). I even made fun of some friends that didn't take everything as seriously as I thought it should be taken (at the time). But, with careful analysis of what's going on around us and taking into account the considerable damage this is doing to the economy, I haveta admit, I've turned. I think the economy should open up ASAP in a coordinated, logical manner. In fact, it shoulda happened two weeks ago. For the eventual pockets of increased cases, move resources accordingly. This is worse than the flu. This is more contagious than the flu. But it's something that we should be able to take care of with a coordinated, federally supported effort.

I would agree with this if there was any chance that we would proceed in a logical manner or if there was any Federally coordinated or supported effort. But there isn't. All there is coming from the Federal government is rhetoric that is contradictory to the phase plan that the Federal Government issued. And, there is no more guidance on that plan because the Federal government decided that the CDC was not allowed to release it's plan for how to implement the phase plan that the Federal government prepared and endorsed.

I have substituted Federal government for a certain name in an effort to avoid being "political", but there is really no other description for what is going on.