COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I'm worried about this as well. I see giant inflation coming. I support the social safety net, but this seems irresponsible. Many people that are still working and getting paid are getting checks. Many are going back to work this month, even if that is also irresponsible. Is this a way to encourage people to defy their bosses, since they'll have money to stay home, whether they are employed or not? What type of incentive will people have to return to work? I support people who's jobs or income was cut due to Covid, but why send it to everyone? Will we still pass out these checks even if we can widely test and contact trace to reduce the risk to everyone?
The simplistic and short answer is because everyone benefits, even if some over-benefit. Also, if there are any qualifications for receiving it, then the qualification process delays how quickly people who qualify can get it, some people who don't qualify will figure out a way to still get it, and some who would qualify won't get it because of problems with the qualification process.