COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I'm not sure why they'd be angry. They got rid of a couple who refused to follow the rules in place. If they're that worried about state money, then just send the couple the bill. Seems easy enough to do.

That said, I'm not sure I'd want to wait around to find out what happens next there either. How do these people get food if they can't go out? Is there some special delivery service?

No way I know of for them to get food. They are required to arrange food before they come I guess. Its really just meant to deter people. I don't like that they paid their airfare either. I would just as soon as have them sit in a quarantine camp for 2 weeks at their own expense. We already had a quarantine center set up at Tripler airforce base so I don't know why they decided the taxpayers should get the bill to send them home.