From that article:Was hoping for some good news going into the summer that heat/humidity would slow spread but seen a couple of studies lately saying temperature/climate has little effect
Dr Peter Juni, of the University of Toronto, said in a press release that the team found little or no link between infection spread and temperature or latitude, and only a weak association with humidity. “We had conducted a preliminary study that suggested both latitude and temperature could play a role. But when we repeated the study under much more rigorous conditions, we got the opposite result,” he said.
The authors studied 144 regions around the world, including states in the US, Australia and Canada. They estimated epidemic growth by comparing the number of cases on March 27 with the figure from a week prior, and with a string of variables during an “exposure period” between 7 and 13 March.
The authors noted a number of limitations in their study, first among which was that “because of considerable differences in testing practices between different geopolitical areas, actual rates of Covid-19 could not be reliably estimated”. Their research is just the latest to examine the links between disease spread and weather, and was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.