COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Everyone in the short term benefits. In the long term, we have to address the debt or it will cause far more problems.

I'm not too worried about inflation in the short term but if we get this perfect recovery then hyper inflation could be a real thing and we will have to turn around and chose whether to roll with hyper inflation and cause even farther separation of classes or chose a really long down period in the economy. The good news is hyper inflation would let up pay off the debt fairly easily. The bad news is we are just as likely to see this recovery go sideways really quickly and enter deflationary period that the FED will spray even more money across the economy.

So yeah, free money is never free. The question just becomes which generation pays for it?

I’m not sure inflation is as big a concern when every country is basically going through the same thing.

Our economy is consumption based. Giving money to consumers makes sense.