COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

If you give every American $75,000, a loaf of bread becomes $25 within two weeks.

The entire economic system would fall upside down on its head.

Now, if you rolled out that $75,000 payout over say a 2 to 3 year period, that would help curb the negative effect on the value of the dollar.
If it was a one-time payment? I have my doubts. Sure, there would be some people that say screw this at their minimum wage jobs in large numbers and go back to school or something, but not sure that’s a bad thing.

If it was an annual thing, sure. As most people would in fact quit there so-called “essential” jobs that in reality pay them like they are cheap disposable sacks of meat. Like we are currently doing.

But that is the truth to the capitalist wheel isn’t it? What people at the top are really fighting against are measures that take away their profit margins by way of near total dominance of the labor supply chain that allows them to force people into essential jobs in their company chain for almost no pay.

Paying people a standard wage would essentially allow them to overnight have a strike fund and force companies to move their wages upward in order to just remain capable of attracting people to work in these less desirable but essential occupations.