I believe you're applying your own economic standards and practices onto everyone in our society.
I know if my wife and I were to get $75,000 each, not a single thing would change about our lifestyle - and I am sure the case is the same for you as well as for many of the fine folks on this here thread. Sure we may pay off a couple of credit cards or put a little bit more money into our mortgage principle, but outside of that, she and I would still go to work every day and would not spend much of it.
On the other hand, you put that type of money in front of a teenager or young college student or person struggling, living paycheck to paycheck, and they'll suddenly feel like they're on top of the world and would not be the same person they were before or feel they need to work. You really think the average person working at a fast food joint would not become demotivated instantly?
You don't think infusing $75k across 150+ million U.S. adults would have an effect at all on the overall value of the dollar? Overall demand for everything would suddenly go drastically way up, especially for items already in high demand, such as my loaf of break example, so supply would essentially stay the same....see where this is going?