COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Cruz has pretty Libertarian leanings on these types of things. I suspect he would have reacted the same in this case. That's not to say he isn't a sniveling worm with no balls. If someone called my wife ugly and my father a murderer there's nothing that could make me kiss their backside and anyone who would isn't a man. Still, this seems to be one of the few things he's consistent about (personal freedoms).

I wish I could believe that Cruz did this for deeply held philosophical beliefs, but I really doubt it. I mean, I have pretty serious Libertarian leanings (in the classical, not modern sense), but I see no way to justify a Senator publicly supporting someone who repeatedly broke a vital public health law and calling that law illegitimate. He did this as part of his next re-election campaign.