COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I agree to some extent. But at the same time, this is all fairly new territory and she was released only after the law was changed by the governor (iirc). I still think a fine rather than imprisonment would have been better suited here.

I mean, I think she was fined or cited several times but she continued to ignore the law. She knew what she was doing and frankly did everything she could do to get arrested.

And, we put kids in jail all the time for having or smoking weed when it doesn't hurt anyone, including themselves, but I'm supposed to feel bad for some woman who publicly flaunted a law meant to stop people from doing something that literally risked the lives of others? I just don't have that in me.

And, as far as Cruz, where is he when some 17 year-old gets sent to prison for 10 years for his third strike on a possession charge? I don't see him sitting down smoking weed in support of that kid. Why? Because there is no political advantage in it and his alleged "Libertarian" principles stop at the point that it is politically unpopular in his chose political party and/or home district.

Edit: I just realized this comes across really strong and may comes across as an attack on you. It isn't meant to be. I just get annoyed by the hypocrisy of people like Cruz and I know you don't like this kind of thing any more than I do. You just do a much better job than I do of giving people the benefit of the doubt and seeing good in people. That, again, is just not something I have in me anymore.