COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Cruz also hasn’t been unapologetic about personal freedom. He’s one of the most faux-libertarians in Congress. Who only cares about personal freedom if it affects the ability of old white conservative men(the people that determine his political future) to carry guns and discriminate against gays and trans people.

He has never had a problem siding with the state when it dictated who can marry who, what a woman can do with her body, putting low level personal drug users into extended sentences, or most recently, if the state forces local governments and local businesses to remain open and workers to show up under penalty.

Ted Cruz, even by account of his own peers, is one of the most scummy, unprincipled, opportunistic hacks the party has had in a generation. Extending good faith to someone is something that should be earned, not assumed, as there is no neuroscience research that would tell you a person naturally operates in good faith. In fact, more so the opposite. And Cruz is someone that has never demonstrated that virtue so I think it’s rather silly to extend him that benefit when he hasn’t actually earned it. And that’s honestly a lesson America should take to heart more broadly.