COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

If you venture out, you will see the "stay at home order" has already been lifted. Folks are everywhere in mass numbers. Move to Phase 1 so other small businesses can capitalize on the influx of customers looking to spend money.

Oh, I know people have already self-lifted. And, I know you have been touting the fork it, people are ignoring it so lets just open approach, but I do know what difference you think officially going to Phase One is going to make for small businesses.

Frankly, the people ignoring it now will continue to act the same and the people who are complying with the order are not going to suddenly run out and go to every store in town. Both groups are going to continue doing what they are doing so I don't think it would make much difference. They only thing that would make a difference is either the Stay at Home Order actually being enforced or a vaccine/treatment being developed. Although, I will say that the Stay at Home Order is the only thing stopping some businesses from jamming 60 to 70 people on each floor of high rise office buildings in New Orleans.

And even if I am wrong, and lifting the Order will make everyone go out and spend money, that is only going to make the second wave much worse much faster. And we are going to end up the same as we were in late March in a few weeks.