COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

How can you keep politics out of something when the decisions are being made based on politics? There is no way around it.
I know it's tough, but I think the answer is when you have a political opinion to take it to the board on MAP. It doesn't belong here and it will consistently derail this thread and has.

Easier said than done, but that should be the goal.
I get that it's the goal. But, if you are going to keep politics out of this subject, then you have to move the entire subject to the MAP board because the entire issue has been completely politicized by well, the politicians. I mean, we can veil comments as though they aren't political, but we all know the truth. But I guess if pretending it's not about politics makes people happy we can all pretend.

I mean, even the allegedly "pure" science is politicized.
I don't disagree. I think it's absolutely sad that not even a global pandemic can bridge the polarized political divide in the country. To me, it's a sign that we are irreparably broken as a nation.

For the purposes of the thread though if we can just keep from criticizing at the Republican/Democrat level or mentioning Trump specifically in a critical way (because that really triggers folks) we can at least keep the thread from derailing.

Once again, I know that's easier said than done, but it is possible and we don't have to pretend, just color inside the lines.

I think the article about Edwards making a decision to extend the Stay home order or not is fair game. There will be some level of politics in this thread.

However, a line will likely be crossed when the discussion turns to the mechinations of politics, and the D vs R response, re-election chances, and other purely political questions, not leadership and/or public health issues.

I cleaned up a good portion of this thread based on the extended conversations going on about those kind of points.