COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)
We are very much separated. For many reasons. In this case you have many people who need to get back to work as society which said shelter in place, didn't give them the economic help. If the government would have immediately passed a basic minimum wage of 2000 per person, people wouldn't have felt the need to demand to get rid of the social distancing. If leaders would've come out and said hey< social distancing simply means to keep 6 feet between you and wear a mask, while not touching your face and washing your hands we wouldn't be where we are at. If the government would've quickly worked and given guidance to businesses on how to safely conduct manufacturing and trade without creating a hysteria, once again we woulds't be where we are at. But no, we had to do what we did which was show an epic failure of leadership, of providing for our country's greatest asset (our people) and mismanaging testing, PPE, everything every step of the way. Yes, there is more than enough fault to go around, from local to federal to international level. But, our biggest problem is still the absolute mismanagement and twitter taunting by the orange one. lets take a simmering pot and crank up the heat. And when we hit many many thousands of dead a day this summer, this country better damn well hold the leadership accountable.