COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)
I know tons of healthcare workers...and honestly, I'm glad that the significant majority are in no position to dictate national policy. There is about as much science and statistics backing many of our health care providers opinions as the anti-mask/I'm Amurican crowd. And it's almost to conspiracy theorist levels..."I don't believe the statistics"..."what if a second or third or fourth wave hits"..."this is prioritizing the economy over lives". Yeah...haven't heard that one a million times. It's almost like for the stupidity of Joe Redneck has to be matched by the equally science debunked irrational fear of educated Dr. Janes socialite. It's almost getting to the point where I want to shake some people.
No...we aren't close to having a vaccine. One day will not get us a vaccine...perhaps a year...not a day. No...we aren't close to having a widely distributed antibody test (especially one that is actually reliable for a change). So what the heck are we doing? We are doing what science is currently providing to us...which is re-opening the country in phases, while ensuring healthcare resources are maintained using actual statistics.