COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Part of the problem is that most Americans spend every penny they make and have no emergency savings. A lot of this "my freedom!" crap is code for "I'm financially irresponsible and don't have any cash reserves and I'm about to lose the McMansion and BMW that I shouldn't have bought on my salary to begin with!".

Same goes for businesses. Owners milk their businesses for every ounce of liquidity to buy the aforementioned McMansions and BMWs and don't leave anything in there for disasters or business interruptions. I don't think there should be any bailouts for any business of any size. And I think the income limit for personal bailouts was way too high. We as a society continue to encourage people to live beyond their means and act financially irresponsible. Why would anyone stop doing that if they know there's a bailout every time?

And the funny part is that right now a lot of the people panicking because they've been living beyond their means and a two month interruption in pay is disastrous are the "pick yourselves up by the bootstraps!" crowd. Huh.
It's not much, It's only about a full month of income, but I have that socked away, and I really only started in December, outside of a $500 emergency fund.

With being on part time and hopefully some unemployment benefits, along with cutting costs, I should be able to stretch it out for a few months. if the UE comes in, I may not have to dip into savings at all, with cost cuts.

My first question to our company leadership was about if our actions were due to cash flow or not having enough cash on hand. Didn't get a straight answer. Figured I wouldn't.