COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Yeah, I don't know your financial situation and I wasn't directing my post at any particular person or personal situation. But what I had in mind is people making $80,000k+ per year over a period of time who are living paycheck to paycheck. There's no excuse for that.

prolly need to move this to another thread or investment thread in order to keep from hijacking this one.

I have plenty of thoughts on that.

first, cost of living. Depending on location that $80k + is not the same say in SF vs St. Louis. Second, this "american dream" has morphed from home ownership to "how many toys can i acquire to exhibit my wealth". Many have become peacocks and feel the need to show off thru obtaining items how rich or well off they are.

I truly dont know how a family of 4 earning less than $100,000k DOESNT live paycheck to paycheck. It has to be quite hard to earn a decent wage and still feel that your accomplishments are "less than" because you dont have a blasted Can-Am, set of 3 Yeti coolers, 3 pairs of Maui Jims for diff occaisions with the frat wraps that float ( just in case you drop them from your pleasure craft )

I live in an area where this is RAMPANT. Had an old neighbor that took up tennis. Within 2 weeks of STARTING, he had 2 $300 racqeuets, the $200 Babolat bag, the gear, the $150 kswiss shoes....and couldnt hit the broadside of a barn 3 times in a row.

But damn if he didnt look the part.

That journey lasted all of 12 months for him. Moved on to golf.