COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Not shocking at all when you think about aircraft routes. Even now, they are sanitizing them at night, with I think a quick wipe down between flights (may be enough). And passengers are doing a lot of their own cleaning, generally.

I don't want to put a damper on flying because I know your job depends on it, but looking at that post from the Doctor that Oye linked above, airplanes are going to be a major issue for containing the virus in an open world. Especially if airlines continue filling every seat with a passenger and I know they likely will because that's really the only way they make money.

I mean, it ticks all the bad boxes - close proximity, face to face, recirculated air, contact for well over 10 minutes. They can sanitize and clean all they want but it probably only takes one infected person on a plane to infect at least a quarter of the people on board, maybe more.

Basically the airlines are going to have to get really creative or people are just going to have to accept that flying is really risky with regard to getting the virus.