COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Yeah, my daughter went from going to an expensive private school for grammar school to a very good free public school for high school. So we have had a big raise for the past 3 years. But after next year we have to figure out how to pay for college. Not really looking forward to it. She qualifies for the top of the Tops program, but I fear that will go away or that she will get into some school so good that I can't say no.

But, for my financial future, I have been teaching her to love purple and gold for a long time.

My oldest is 20 and has been going to community college for 2 years. The cost savings is tremendous. I don't know how La is, but Tx requires all public universities to teach the same core subjects. So the classes you take at his community college is the same you take at Texas or A&M or North Texas, etc. He will transfer to a 4 year school after next Fall. Plus we make him have skin in the game by him paying his tuition upfront, then we repay him based on how many grades he has at B or higher. He wasn't a good high school student and we didn't want to waste our own money.