COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

It's a very good read.

I would just say that it has a couple of minor inaccuracies in it though, leading to it inadvertently possibly understating the risk of outdoor transmission.

Anyway. the general point - that there is less risk outdoors than indoors - remains valid, but I think it bears emphasising that it isn't no risk, especially in crowds, and the advice in both the blog and the Vox article should be heeded: wear a mask.

thanks for the reply

I'll add that my takeaway for outdoor transmissions was more a matter of practicality for the reader.

That is, "Can I go jogging safely and what might the risks be?" or "Can I take my kids to a hiking trail?"

Not, "Can I attend this concert."

I mean, the breakout in northern Italy, from what I understand, stemmed from a major soccer game. I didn't feel like the author was saying that going to a concert or soccer game or rib fest was probably safe. And you seemed to pick up on that, too.

Plus, it's not like there are a lot of open air concerts and festivals and such to attend, anyway. They just cancelled the CNE Exhibition here which is usually a big deal for the city in the summer and the local rib fest was cancelled in favor of an online fundraiser for the local Rotary club.