I think it is totally possible, but unfortunately, our nation's setup can sometimes be a gift and a curse.
There are too many mixed messages out there from leadership - city mayors, state governors, senators, the President, etc. If all of our leadership figures were all on one page and preaching the same consistent message, opening up society safely to keep the economy going and getting 100% buy-in from citizens is totally doable.
Even just the President being consistent with his message and less of a lightning rod and seemingly fully all-in on one side without looking at things from both perspectives would have a trickle-down effect on how society responds. Instead, it has become a bipartisan, "you're either with us or against us" thing, to where very few are trying to see both angles, thus creating a fractured and inconsistent public response. And what this also does is creates a dynamic where the people that aren't paying close attention and prefer not to be bothered by anything news-related, or, the types that are just not flat out not smart people, are also treating this like nothing, since the message is mixed and they'd rather not be inconvenienced, so they too err on the side of "this is no big deal," putting themselves and others in harm's way.
Now granted, I'm not advocating for a dictatorship or anything close to it by any means and never will; I am just saying, this foundation we have, where states and cities all make their own choices, breeds this sort of response in a pandemic crisis and is what makes this whole thing almost impossible to manage properly on a national scale. If I drive 20 miles, to the next city over, I am literally under a whole different set of rules based on a whole different person's standards or level of care for the virus and/or economy.
Attitude reflects leadership, and our leadership is all over the place on this topic, and as a result, so are we.