COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I continue to go to Wal-Mart and Harris Teeter down the road, about twice a week. I'm in eastern NC.

At Harris Teeter, the mask participation rate for customers is about 40%, staff about 80%. At Wal-Mart the mask participation rate for staff is very high and the store is taking a lot of precautions including aisle flow indicators to minimize people passing each other.

But as far as the customers go, the mask participation at Wal-Mart is definitely no more than 1 in 5 (20%) and probably half of that. And very people follow the aisle flow indicators.

As far as I know, in South Florida it isn't an option. At least in the burbs, you MUST have a mask to enter any store. So, I've seen pretty much 100% usage rates (I haven't stepped foot into walmart though), at Target, Publix, and a couple other places. It's also near 100% at work, minus a few people.

I see a few noses popped out, some temporary, some the whole time.

I don't see a lot of gloves, other than some staff. I think that's a reasonable approach, so long as people are washing or have sanitizer on them.