NFL to present new resolutions to Rooney Rule, which includes draft-related incentives

If a person is disabled, accomodations should be made, of course. If a child (or adult for that matter) is hungry and without means to feed themselves, of course they should get assistance in that regard. In neither case was race mentioned. The INDIVIDUAL is in need, not their skin color.

Your argument seems to equate race with both disability and poverty, unless I misunderstand...

you do misunderstand

I am saying we make *all sorts* of discriminatory decisions, in all walks of life, for all sorts of things.

I quoted what you said, which was:

in no circumstances is discrimination acceptable, and you believe that given the proper situation, it is.

I am arguing that "given the proper situation(s), discrimination is acceptable.

You said it was not, "in no circumstances... acceptable"

But now you are saying it is.

In some cases, being black is a greater disadvantage than a physical disability. Redlining and housing discrimination, for example, was really only applied to black families, not physically disabled whites.

It depends on what we are talking about. It, in itself, is not a disability (though someone earlier who argued that black people have lower IQs because DNA) but it can be a bigger impediment, in some areas, than a disability.

I am equating nothing.

I'm arguing the same as I always have - there's a lot of subjectivity/gray. You said "subjectivity" is "suspect." But subjectivity is now okay for things like disability and financial need/poverty and special needs/education? So why not other areas of life where discrimination has been negative. Like gender or ethnicity, for example?

I'm glad to see that your position isn't as inflexible as you initially said.

You acknowledge there *is* subjectivity and discrimination. And *in some cases* it's okay.