How did I miss this story? (Ahmaud Arbery shooting in Georgia)[MERGED]

This case is so simple.

It’s not whites being racist.

It’s these backwoods wannabe vigilantes being complete idiots.

They don’t represent the white race.
They are members of the white race, but aren’t the poster child.
They are without a doubt racist idiots.

Just like when a black person committs a crime, it’s one person being an idiot.
It’s not representative of the black race.

It is what it is, nothing more.

Its not indicative of anything, as whites aren’t hunting and killing blacks all over the place (despite what Lebron says). Nor are blacks committing crimes all over the place, even as one commits a crime.

There are roughly 234,000,000 white people in the US. These 2 jokers are just 2 idiots....not even a blip on the radar. If the Rose Bowl was filled every day by different white people....(100,000 K a day) it would be filled for 2,340 days (that’s 6.5 years) before the two idiots finally walked in.

I know someone will say.....corrupt politics, wouldn’t have been sniffed if no video.
That’s possibly true, and possibly not. No one knows for sure either way, because it was released, and they were arrested.

There are more idiots out there, white and black. It sucks, but there are. However, it’s a very small percentage, and no matter how much we protest, teach, whatever, there will always be crazy idiots who are racist.

So my advice is simple. Live your life as a humble and serving person, helpful and kind to others, white and black.....and there’s a HIGH chance life will work out for you.
Yea, this is pretty much how racists try to explain away racism.