Everytime I see someone talking about Bountygate in this way I get excited, until I see it is by someone with Louisiana/Saints connections...
This travesty will never get the ill-attention it deserves and Roger Godell/NFL will never be held accountalbe for this until the rest of the nation brings up the same points. No matter how well we put the facts together, expose it as a witch hunt, it just looks like "more excuses from Saints fans"
This is just another collection of facts and proof that we were screwed that will go away just as fast as it was posted becuase the only people that will even acknowledge and rally behind it will be us Saints fans. And what will we do? Shake our fist at the screen, maybe post a few comments on a message board and go back to our normal lives.
I can't wait for the Sean Payton tell all book after he retires. Godell has to know it's coming. And I hope it's brutal.