Bountygate CliffsNotes (Long)
Thanks for all of that. I was a rabid dog during the weeks and months after the sham bounty fiasco. I sent things to Mike Florio very often, some via direct email and others as posts. He was not yet a "big deal" in the NFL media circles, and PFT was still in its infancy, but he had a cult following and many front office NFL types looked at what he had to say. He was 100% into the fake NFL story early on, his being a Vikings fan probably clouded his judgement, but he eventually turned 180 degrees and is totally onboard with the Saints on this now and bashes the NFL on this issue every chance he gets. Jerks like Peter King are still sucking at the trough of the NFL pig slop on this. I really dislike the guy, such a phony inside New Yorker who laps up whatever swill the NFL is pushing.