Woman sexually assaults NFL player on plane

It seems to me that there is a bit of a double standard. The central issue is that women getting a bit handsy on men is less of a issue. So when it does happen, its not really a big deal. But for women, it is much more frequentl. So they get tired of it, and thats part of the reason for the whole #metoo movement happened. If it happened to women at the same rate it happened to men, there wouldn't have been this issue. But the biological behavior in almost all mammals are such that males are simply going to be much more aggressive in seeking out sexual partners, therefore females do not have to be. Although sometimes, they attempt to go after males perceived as high fitness, and I suppose there is some advantage in increasing the genetic diversity of their offspring.

Love your post. So much candid truth.

But I can tell you that after7-years with coach Pete, I am finally learning to deal that "advantage in increasing the genetic diversity of their offspring" may have some legs - lmao.

btw: in the real world, aggressive unwelcomed abuse in any form is just flat out wrong and I pray we all learn to be more compassionate, starting with me 1st