The Demonstrations in Minnesota (Update: Now Nationwide){Now International}

I agree on both accounts. The initial points are great, but I'm not sure I totally agree with the conclusion. These protests need to come from a coalition of all races (and political parties for that matter) in order to affect real change. For years it's mostly just been black folks involved which makes it easier for the country to dismiss or minimizes the issues. So, yeah, young white kids should be welcomed.

So, I don't know exactly what the person who wrote those Tweets meant, but I took it as her more having an issue with white people who were agitators, starting violence and destroying property which gets black people beaten, arrested and kept in jail, while the white folks who started the violence and property destruction get out of jail right away because they have the money to pay good lawyers. I'm not sure that's the total reality of what happens or that I totally agree with it, but I can see why black people would see it that way.

Oh, I think there's a lot of validity to it. As a general rule, these agitators have their organizations backing them and they'll get bailed out and or represented by attorneys who can cut deals for them. Poorer blacks and other minorities won't have that same access.

It's not entirely like that, but I think it happens enough that the feeling is entirely justified.