Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments

White people make up 61% of the country. They will get killed by police more because their just so many. Black people make up 13-14% of the country but are killed by police 28% of the time. It’s disproportionate. Congratulations I just explained statistics to you.
White people make up 61% of the country. They will get killed by police more because their just so many. Black people make up 13-14% of the country but are killed by police 28% of the time. It’s disproportionate. Congratulations I just explained statistics to you.
Thx , appreciate it. But it does calculate that 25% more whites were killed by police than blacks,right ? And as a percentage of crime commitment , do a greater by percentage of blacks have encounters with police ? Maybe that’s another statistic you could research. Let’s be honest. Black people were dealt a terrible hand but many strides have been made. Things ARE better nowadays. That is a fact. Do we have some progress to be made ? Definitely. But do you sit here and tell me more than a few cops are bad cops and definitely target black people ? I’m not buying it and in no way justifies what’s going on right now. As far as the kneeling of our National Anthem there are thousands of other ways to protest that wouldn’t get the negative reaction this gets and would definitely do more for the cause of injustice you are protesting. That particular protest is just giving the finger to the people you are trying to get on your side or are already on your side. Not smart.