Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments

There needs to be a conversation in America... A CONVERSATION.. I am a white guy and I see things through the lens of a White Guy... Black folks see things through different lens... I don't hate black people but there is a segment (I think a small segment) of white people who do... I also think there is a segment of black people who hate white people... A conversation needs to be had where people of both views TALK to each other....Not OVER each other to win a point... The criminals white and black are going to not participate.. But as a white guy I don't bear responsibility for the idiot white guys in the same manner as the vast majority of black people don't bear responsibility for the idiots who are black..

The topic is kneeling during the national anthem. There has to be a COMMON GROUND where we can all begin from. We are all Americans so let's start there. The flag represents our country... an imperfect country to be sure but one that for the very most part is a great country... So I think we need to start with that common ground of standing as an example to the idiots... white and black... that the vast majority of us stand together to improve on our imperfections. I would march in protest against the outrageous actions of the white idiots.... but I would appreciate the same for the actions of the black idiots.

We cannot let the handful of idiots take down the entire country and that seems to be what is happening. Now a team of brothers.. Drew and CGM at the forefront right now... seem to be at each other.... That's what the idiots want to happen...

And this country will not get better if that is allowed to happen
the problem is not people's feelings about other people
the problem is one of power
address the power imbalance, the other stuff takes care of itself