Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments

I have to say - I don't think Drew understands what the kneeling is all about. It's my understanding that Kaepernick consulted with a retired green beret about how to best protest while still respecting the flag, and kneeling was advised. This shows he was thinking critically about the best way to handle it while still honoring those who sacrificed so much for this country.

And really - since when has kneeling become a sign of disrespect? We kneel before God when we pray. Are we disrespecting the Almighty?

Now if players grabbed their crotch or turned their backs on the flag, I would feel differently. I respect his regard for our nation, his family, and our vets, but Drew doesn't seem to be contextualizing this properly at all. This just made me sad.
He's smart enough to know whats going on in the world right now. This is a recent event(s) that have been going on just like covid-19 has i'm sure he's know or been informed by a team or the news just like everyone else has. he's pretty much trying to still make it about the flag its his way of riding the fence and not wanting to hurt his brand. which at this point is pretty impossible with how he responded as in being clueless. He should have been honest about what's going on or just not say anything. He could have easily said yea its tragic anytime life is lost and i do understand the protest but let's make sure we're being safe and doing it peacefully and let justice take it's place.