Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments

First off, why is Jenkins running to facebook to get attention? Why is he not calling Drew? Secondly, he is twisting Drew's comments. Drew said they HE would never agree with disrespecting the flag. He did not say (as Jenkins claims) that all other should feel that way. He also tells Drew he should shut up. Maybe he should be a man and call another man to discuss instead f running to facebook like a teenager looking for attention.

MJ did talk to Drew before posting it...

As I was trying to muster up the energy and find the words to address Drew Brees’s comments I recorded this video. Before I could post it, Drew reached out to me to discuss his point of view.
All in all, I’m still posting this video because it’s important for anyone who wants to consider themself an ally to know how these words and actions affect those who you want to help. Drew’s words during his interview were extremely painful to hear and I hope he rectifies them with real action.