Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments

I have a question that maybe a person of color could answer. Why does the knee need to happen during the national anthem? Is there no other time that it would be possible without drawing the ire of the patriots around the country? I am not making light of the cause of BLM by asking this . I just want to know why its important to insult the flag and country for the cause. Help me understand.

I'm not a person of color, so ignore my response if you wish...

What is a protest if it is easily ignored?

You protest where you can't be ignored. That's how you spread a message or shine a light on injustice.

It's not insulting the flag. A flag is an inanimate object with no feelings or judgement.
It doesn't insult what the flag stands for either. Protest is one of the many right guaranteed by the country that flag represents. The soldiers who fought for this country fought to protect those rights. Even the ones that make us uncomfortable.