Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments

Perhaps it was the last straw... see, most notably, comments about Rod Sterling.
"Perhaps" isn't a very strong rebuttal though, is it now?

Speak for yourself.

We each speak for ourselves. Nothing wrong with pointing out how some things become group think though, right?

No. I am going to say comparing number of deaths without taking into consideration population numbers is, at best, naive.

Then there are circumstances... how many "I can't breathe" videos have we seen resulting in white people dying? How many white people get 7 bullets fired at them because they inform the police officer he has a gun in his car? How many white 12 year olds are gunned down without warning at a park because they are playing with a toy gun? How many State attorneys omit to charge cops when 2 racist yahoos hunt and gun down a white man? I can keep on going, but ...

And don't get me wrong, yes, the police abuses white people too... but the abuse very disproportionate.

Do those white lives matter though?

Per arrest for a violent crime, a white person is more likely than a black person to be killed by the police.