Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments

I can tell you don't read much. But just in case you pick up the hobby-- read about Tulsa riots. Even other riots in more modern times were in response to the assassination of Dr King, the beating of Rodney King, the murders of Trayvon, Mike Brown, et al., and now George Floyd. Do you notice a pattern here? Or are you just concerned with protecting Macy's? Because that's cool too. I like Macy's as well. But tell the whole story. The riots don't happen out of thin air. Nobody says "Let's riot because it's Tuesday."

But I know you don't really care. I wrote that just in case someone else does.

Was that dig really necessary? My point proven for a third time, any kind of idea that doesn't follow a pro-black, pro-violence agenda is automatically deemed wrong, among being treated like a subspecies. Get over yourself.

What all those have in common? Use your head, if you think you're that intelligent. They're all a vicious circle of the an obvious conclusion. Violent protests and rioting never work. They don't need to happen at all.

Protecting Macy's, eh? Not at all. I'd just rather not have a window being busted through with guys packing and waving around guns, repping their colors while I'm trying to buy my TWELVE year old niece a few things - on Rodeo Drive, of all places. But yeah, as long as it's '4 fLoYdd', destroying things, waving guns around in front of children, and repeatedly hearing about how Shoe Palace or BestBuy was busted into for free TVs is totally the right thing to do. That's fine, though, right? As long as you're doing it for 'the cause', promotion of cultural bias is totally okay.

That's fine, though. Believe what you want, since you're already making assumptions. White people are Trump-adoring Arians and all the cops on the planet are evil because of how a few choose to act. That logic is horrifying, and the hypocrisy in all this reverse-racism is almost funny.