Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments

This is the problem.The BLACK officer was held accountable. The BLACK officer recieved a 40 year sentence. Have a look at all the white cops who have killed black innocent people. Most of them get away with a slap on the wrist and/or zero prision time.

These officers are being held accountable. They are all arrested. Cops are being held accountable all the time. They deal with more crap than we will ever know. I was always taught to respect people of authority and people in position of authority. But today's society is not like this. The cops have to take so much verbal and physical abuse but yet are suppose to be nice and kind. That's BS. Do as they ask and all will be fine. That may have not been the case 40+ years ago, but today, with all the camera's out there, there is no way around it.

Our society is so backwards. We pay people millions of dollars to play a game, yet pay practically nothing to the teachers, officers, firemen,....the people that teach, protect and save us. Crazy.