Saints players and other key sports and public figures are angry at Drew Brees for his anthem comments

lol. So dumb. Whatever makes your agenda work

It is in bad taste since sporting events and lives are in no way equivocal... but here is a football analogy for you to try to help with the understanding. Lets say the average NFL team gets 7 penalties a game for 58 yards. Now say that holds true for 31 teams, but the Saints, playing no more dirty than the other 31 teams on average, get hit with 24 penalties a game for 202 yards.

Now assume that this disparity is not an event isolated to a single game, or a single season... but rather has been going on since the inception of the team. You are a Saints fan, would you be pretty P'Oed off and want to see things changed?

sarcasm on/Of course when you look at the numbers for that single season in aggregate the other 31 teams had a total of 3,472 penalties for 28,768 yards while the Saints only had 384 penalties for 3,232 yards... so yeah they are penalized less than the whole league combined.. there is no bias there at all./sarcasm off