The Demonstrations in Minnesota (Update: Now Nationwide){Now International}

It's a different dynamic altogether. It's a different mindset altogether. The perceptions/generalizations are different too. I don't think there is a parallel between the Hispanic immigrant experience and the African American experience. "My family came from C.A. 40 years ago and made it" is very different from "my family has been here since the 17th century, and been oppressed, abused, and marginalized all this time".

You say your father went to Vietnam to make a better life for himself... do you know how many black people went to Vietnam, and when they came back, still no one would hire them because they were black? Do you know how many blacks didn't get any sort of real life skill training while in Vietnam because they were black?
Exact figures, no, but I know it happened. Look my dad was first time immigrant, he dealt with his fair share. Perhaps not as much as a typical black person, but he did nonetheless.