New Public Safety Systems

I wonder if it would take a complete rebuilding of society. Folks would need to give up the need for much of what corporations and capitalism sell and people bought in as having value.

That's a tall order IMHO. Not impossible, just how do you transition from personal valuation based on things and bank accounts to personal valuation based on being?

I believe a devaluation of what unfettered capitalism pushes for would be a great first step. It's sort of similar to the same reason modern societies are so hesitant if willing at all to go to war over small issues -- trade and reciprocity makes it much more likely that irreparable damage will be done if blatant action is taken. A human being who is not stressed about work, having a home, being taken care of when sick, etc. would probably be much likely less to engage in a reckless crime than one who is downtrodden and on their wit's end. America pushes people to the brink of insanity and suicide and lets the chips fall where they may as long as the corporations meet expected profits. It sounds a little over the top, but I can assure that it is unfortunately not.

Anyway.,.Healthcare, college/career path, housing assistance etc. being covered in a sense as long as you abide by the social contract as an American. I also think decriminalizing drugs and instead enforcing treatment and healing instead of throw away the key jail sentencing for nonviolent offenders would be key.