New Public Safety Systems

According to her, she has been asked the very reasonable question of, "who do I call when my home is being broken into" many times, and yet she still doesn't have a legitimate answer. She admits that instead of providing anything that resembles a viable solution, she tries to shame her constituents by telling them that the question itself is the result of "privilege."
Let me ask you this: What do police do now?

If I call 911 and report a break in, who shows up? A uniformed officer with pepper spray, weapons, handcuffs and tactical gear like kevlar vests and combat boots? People who have been conditioned to suspect everyone as a potential criminal to the point they look for reasons and carry a suspicious and/or agressive disposition. Then this person fills out paperwork to document the break in and leaves, correct?

Why do I need people with firearms, kevlar and a poor attitude to show up at my house and fill out forms?

As far as privilege goes, if you don't understand that by now it's because you don't want to. Nothing I can say or do will change that.