NFL COVID-19 Helmet Concept
Read an article this week that said transmission of COVID via surfaces was overstated when things first broke out. They're finding that person to person transmission thru the air was responsible for an insane number of the cases nationwide - like 80% or something.
As long as the locker room is totally sanitized before the game, before half time and before the game ends, I could see it being a pretty "safe environment if the players take it seriously and all wear masks when within 6'of each other on the sidelines or the entire time in the locker room. Player health will be the biggest thing that kills this season so the league and organizations should be looking at implementing these measures now and testing the sanitation, etc. before camp starts. Then use camp to get the system of cleaning the locker rooms, etc. down before and then during the game/practice twice. Whoever is in charge of sanitizing the facilities and locker room better not just be some janitor too. Higher a company that's using UV light and other expensive hi-tech methods to stop the spread of this damn thing.
Those helmets would be great if that thing covering the mouth area is an N95 mask that can't be removed.