Real Estate Agents and Builders to stop using the terms “master bedroom” and “master bathroom”
I get that some people are "offended" that all of these measures are being taken to scrub away these seemingly "innocuous" images and phrasings but here's the thing, as I see it. If these phrases were born from a culture of systemic racism, then they should be exposed, rooted out, and dealt with. So context is important. IF it comes from something racist, it should be removed. IF it's from something regular and non-harmful, or truly innocuous, then leave it alone.
As an example, I used to use the term "gypped" when referring to someone getting a bad deal, getting cheated, or getting taken advantage of in any transaction. I read the book Thinner by Stephen King and learned that that particular term was a racially insensitive term coming from "Gypsies" and them having a reputation for taking advantage of people, particularly in carnivals.
Now, I NEVER meant it that way, having never knowing its origins before; but once I realized the history of the term, did I argue with people about "never meaning it that way"? No, I simply stopped using it.