Of course it did. It's just that there's social inertia for change right now, so it's being brought up. Imagine that your wife always forgets to turn the lights off when she leaves the house. You don't bring it up because you know to pick your battles. But one day she says "hey, let's figure out ways to bring our electric bill down". That's when you bring it up - because there's inertia for it. It doesn't mean that her leaving the lights on didn't bother you before.
It's just the word of the week/day. Nobody is even thinking like it's some sort of demeaning reference. I never once thought of it as being the "slave masters" chambers. Am I that insensitive??
I don't think you're insensitive for never thinking of it as "slave masters" chambers - I didn't either. But I do think being dismissive and saying "it didn't offend anyone until a couple weeks ago" is a bit of an insensitive statement.