COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Thread about the school reopening (Ms. Ranny’s thread, not Mr. Roner’s)::

She asks a bunch of questions she admits there are no answers to, then proposes a bunch of things that will never happen because of the reality of budgets.

Not criticizing you sharing it, but this just underscores my belief that no one has any idea what they're doing re: school reopenings. The Advocate had an article yesterday about how no one in the state is quite sure how to interpret the guidelines on student face mask wearing the state provided, and at the district level parents are falling into "must wear masks or they're not going," "who cares?" and "must not wear masks or not going" groups.

We're going to have a massive clusterfork on our hands come August. There's no way around it. Everything I see indicates a total lack of preparedness.