COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I agree some of their logic is shaky, however, the part about this situation having an adverse effect on the achievement gap is real. Even though we ( as a country) have had a terrible response, we are at this crossroads where life has to go on ( I mean an adaptive sense). I don't want my kids to be part of an experiment but schools and child care represent a foundation for everyone to work. Fortunately, I'm in the category of those who can work from home but it's very difficult to be productive with young people that have to be monitored. This is the new normal and all of us have to find a way to function this environment.
Please don't take what I am about to say as an attack on you, because it's not. I understand that mental discomfort is a factor not just for the kids but for everybody but geesh, I am not impressed with that argument. It hasn't even been six full months since the first lockdown and people are acting as if they were asked to actually sacrifice a loved one; when all we as nation were asked to do was: social distance, wash hands, wear masks. And we couldn't be bothered enough to do it. And guess what? Everything that we were warned about is coming to fruition. Had we JUST stayed at home for 3 weeks in March, we'd be past this.

Now, the bill is coming due and we are going to have to pay a higher price than we would have paid before. This "Life has to go on" when it hasn't even really been a year, is a frightening ideology. Many MANY more people are going to die with this. If I had children, I'd be willing to keep them home at LEAST 2 years until they sort this mess out rather than them risking permanent damage, death, or me getting sick. People aren't willing to mildly sacrifice and get beyond this mess and now it's worse. This country is an embarrassment.