COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

But staying in the house for 3 weeks would DO IT!! That's what's so frustrating. If someone was overweight and they insist that they have NO IDEA of how to fix it and you tell them, start exercising daily and lower your caloric intake, but they INSIST, they still don't understand HOW to lose weight and continue to shove cakes, pies, candy bars, and potato chips into his/her mouth, that would bother most people.

We have the solution, people just continue to act as if they don't know the solution.
Fortunately, I'm in an area where people have been taking it seriously and the numbers seem to be declining. This is a clear leadership issue at the top which sets the tone for much of the country. I can't really explain why Cali is spiking but I guess it has something to do with a desire to go to the beach.