food delivery

I'm the same way. I never put my finger on it but the control issue is probably a good suspect for me. I usually couple restaurant visits with some other thing I need to get out for and call 15 minutes ahead.

Now what pisses me off is the businesses (I am assuming they have been burned by no shows) who wait until you get there to drop your food. We have to get past that shirt.

I dont live in New Orleans anymore, but when i did, i found that NOLA restaurants were especially egregious in re to to-go orders... i actually had a couple places tell me that I couldn’t call in a to-go order, i had to come into the restaurant, order, then sit and wait for it to be made... i guess they were trying to squeeze additional profit out of me (?) but that kinda defeats the purpose of placing a takeout order.. . at one point a couple years ago, i lived down the street from a well known restaurant /bar in the Warehouse District that I’d walk to all the time.. then they started changing their takeout policy from week to week.. one week it was whatever I wanted, the next week it was you have to come in and order, then the next week i wasnt allowed to place a takeout order at all.. i mean, your policy is your policy, but just pick one and go with it.

Lately, ive actually had restaurants write ‘Thank You for your Support’ on the box my food comes in, what a nice change.