N/S Redskins likely to change name..What would be a good one? (Update: Redskins to announce name change)

What a sad state this country is in, honestly. Tearing down statues and monuments, burning books, erasing the history of this country, forcing celebrities/devs/anyone who does anything to apologize for something that wasn't intended, and now it's changing the name of a football franchise that's almost a hundred years old. Even then, it's not so much any one of those things as it is the precedent it sets.

On topic, though. I honestly don't really see the big deal with the Redskin name. Anyone can spin anything into being offensive. "I'm an atheist, so the Saints need to change their name", "I hate patriotism, so the patriots need to change their name and colors", "The Browns are mentioning a color in their name, I feel personally attacked", "The Vikings logo is racist/bigoted because it shows a cisgendered white man". You can literally spin any team name any way you want. Doesn't change the fact that only a small minority have have cared about the Redskins until recently. That being said, since this is going to happen regardless, the Red Tails sounds pretty good.

Our history isn't being erased. The problem is that the sharing and understanding of our history has been grossly incomplete and heavily manipulated to tell a very specific narrative, intentionally at the expense of the very people who were abused and systemically marginalized throughout that history. What we are witnessing is a reckoning of that shameful, deliberate practice.

If you met a black Army colonel, would you expect a very different reaction if you referred to him by his rank or as a Blackskin? That's the difference in the false equivalency made between Vikings and Redskins. Vikings and the military can both be associated with events that might offend some people, but neither carries the same negative connotation that a racially contrived word does.