N/S Redskins likely to change name..What would be a good one? (Update: Redskins to announce name change)

So you do agree that the use of Redskins is offensive?

To the other point, I stand by my original comment questioning the sincerity of the co-opting of indigenous culture for the purposes of deriving mascots, particularly for profitable enterprises like pro sports, with long histories of exclusion on the field, in the stands, and among ownership. Yeah, that seems exploitative to me under the conditions of our history.

Generally, I think it's distasteful in any society to market and profit off of people who have been horribly mistreated.

In cases where agreements have been reached with local tribes, I think that's a better approach as opposed to the attitude of just continuing with something because that's just the way it is and we like it fine. I do, however, find the term Redskin to be particularly offensive and outdated.

I always thought the name "redskins" was a strange name for a team to have given the movies I watched growing up. You have to do some serious mental gymnastics to make it not so. This is without the silly argument of "black skins."

The Football team's profitability has nothing to do with the name. Mascots have an interesting history. In baseball, the team's nickname" was often coined by sportswriters, rather than a choice by the team. Later, teams chose a nickname that represents the community. The use of Amerindians as a name is no different than "Cowboys," or "Oilers" or even "49'ers." You can also consider such groups as, "Fighting Irish," Trojans," or "Spartans." If we were to use your argument, then these groups are all being exploited. In fact, it would also nullify the use of "red tails" if they were to refer to the WWII fighter group. Unfortunately, your argument is very weak and tenuous at best. As I said, the profitability has nothing to do with the name. This was actually brought up in a recent article. Naming a team after these people is meant to honor those peoples, not disparage them. It is silly to argue otherwise. I do not think you thought this out. (Though, I am sure you will claim otherwise (if so I don't know if I should laugh or cry).
