Davis, All-Pro LB ranked as #5 NFL Linebacker by Poll

I don't worry too much over where a player is ranked on a top 5 or top 10 of anything. Saying a player is the "best" is subjective and even if there was a way to quantify it, it would still be subject to change year to year, or even week to week. Simply being considered one of the top 5 or top 10 best is close enough for me. It means a player is in that class, and we have a lot of those on our current roster. An absolute wealth of talent.

I totally agree. Once you reach the top 5 of most positions it becomes very subjective as to who is best. To me Michael Thomas is the best WR in the league for our offense. Some might prefer the WRs who excel in the deep passing game but for what SP does I wouldn't trade MT for any WR in the league.

Same thing with Davis. Some are better in coverage. Some are better blitzers. Some are better in the run game. But I'll take my guy. Davis being named 1st Team All Pro tells me all I need to know. He is an elite LBer, a great leader, and hopefully he still has a few prime years left.