Davis, All-Pro LB ranked as #5 NFL Linebacker by Poll

Dome Patrol in the 90s
Fields/Mitchell in 2000
Vilma in 2010
Demario Davis in 2020

So...we may get another good LB in 2030? :munch:

Lol yeah it looks that way. It's like the NFL gods said, "Wouldn't it be funny to give this team some truly great LBs but have them all play at the same time?!" This was an unreal run of LBer play. These are the Pro Bowl LBs for '83 to '93:

'83, '84, '85, '86 - Jackson
'87 - Mills
'88 - Mills
'89 - Swilling, Johnson
'90 - Swilling, Johnson
'91 - Mills, Swilling, Johnson
'92 - Jackson, Mills, Swilling, Johnson
'93 - Jackson, Turnbull

So that's 5 straight seasons of having at least 2 Pro Bowl LBs playing together.

Looking at Jackson's numbers it makes one wonder why it took so long for him to reach the HoF. He was a force for 15 years in the league. 15 years man. And we're not talking about a guy hanging on too long and gimping around out there. This friggin guy recorded his highest sack total (13.5) at 34 years old! He was 37 years old his last year in the NFL playing for the 49ers back in '94. Dude led the team with 9.5 sacks.